Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hadrah Mautttt

I'm not really feeling good to type out my whole 12 days in Jakarta plus Bandung and a bit of Puncak...but the gist is, it was TIRING! with the heat, and the dust and the was tiring...

Still, the company was good. We stayed with an Arab family, my mom's best friend that is. super traditional Arab! whereby once you finish eating what's in your hand, she hands you another plate and you MUST finish your food or else she gets upset. hence, that was TIRING!

5 daughters, all unique in their appearances became my new younger sisters. i'm the eldest la!!!! but her first daughter's married and expecting. While we were there too, the second daughter was being betrothed to another ARAB family at the age of 19. wwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaattttttt!!! and the whole risik-risik was in ARABIC! wa takleh angz la wehh!

in short, i learnt not the arabic language but the betawi, cuz the ARAB family i stayed with, although surrounded by many other ARAB families in the village, speak pure indo. :) so weird but true.

i very lazy to story more, so later when i' done with the pics, just hop over to my multiply la ehh.

before i forget, my heartiest congrats to miza for her successful ijab kabul and a lovely sanding nontheless.

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