Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hikmah 2

Thanks to Nori, I was so hooked on Hikmah 2 and with the time i have in hand, hikmah season 2 was completed in 2 weeks, i think. i didn't really catch every minute of it like my dad, who can actually go for another rerun(!) but i got the gist of the sinetron and felt that even though it's more brutal than the first, i learnt much more. in season 2, you laugh a lot, but at the end, you will cry alot too. i cried bucketSloads la! coupled with pms, i cannot tahan la see Adriyan and Tino cry! sedihhh. i'd recommend you to watch it till the end okay. must-watch! Jap series dulu-kala also kalah.

By the way, i also watched my first Korean movie, "200 pounds beauty", and it was a blast! and hello! the guy next to me cried la! sedih ke bang? hahahahah. and i also watched "Mukhsin" and "Cinta Pertama" also. my verdict? "200 pounds beauty" beats Mukhsin and Cinta pertama hands and feet down! ten times fold! ehh, Mukhsin tak best la. tak se-best Gubra. tak yah tengok pun bleh. and Cinta Pertama? ermmm...i slept throughout the movie except the first 15 minutes. add some snores too!

Bottomline is, Hikmah 2 rocks! BIG time!

next movie? Je'taime Paris! Yes I do!

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