Saturday, April 07, 2007


While walking to the bustop today, I passed by a tree with leaves that were heavily hole-infested. like practically ever leaf was patterned. I assumed that the caterpillars must have feasted on them leaves. THEN! My weird mind started asking stupid questions... like...

how come the leaves on that tree have more holes than those from the next one.
the caterpillars are choosy too?
how come the caterpillars can climb up a tree?
oh no, the butterflies lay eggs on those leaves.
But how come the butterflies choose that tree to lay eggs?
Why not the rest of the other trees?
you mean they have to pay to eat on those leaves and so they pick the cheapest available one?
or is that tree having leaves that are healthier?
perhaps butterflies are colourblind?

Haha! come on laugh at me y'all!


The thoughts this mind can conjure are daft, AND redundance loaded.

i'm avoiding social congregation, for now. i will be back when exams are over.
Sorry Midah, I will come see your daughter soon enough, baby shower or not.

Meanwhile, a very HAPPY HAPPY 24th to my dearest best friend, Farena. How nice, on your birthday, they're airing your fave movie, "A walk to remember"
I hope this journey you lead thus far, is one that you will remember, before you embark on the very significant day you will be reborn again.

I LOVE YOU lots. and fidza.

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