Monday, April 30, 2007


Far and Nori, I don't know what i want for my birthday. ho-hum. must i really list them down? How come when it was Jannah, Far, Miza or Nori's birthday, you girls don't have to list down your wants. i mean, you didnt have to be pushed to write them down!!! not fair! am i that difficult? =/ bah.

Well, let's just say, the no. 1 in my wishlist is to get married! GRADUATE! grant me that please???

i am stalling now. i don't know how to go from here.

ok, gimme sth to show that you know me...besides the pink and purple. HAHA! oh boy, this is tough. I actually went back a year ago to read the wishlist i had last year, and i realised how easy i asked for what i wanted. now, i really dono.

goodness! this is bad tau.

do i really hafta do this.....boohooo


here goes...

eh, i cannot la.

i seriously don't know.

something practical? a wallet? perfume? cash voucher? ermmm....tak tau??????? acrylic paints? books?


go figure ok.

rai tak tau ahhh

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