Thursday, March 08, 2007

my black Thursday

I feel the need to let out...some steam................ pppsssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Last night's rendezvous was, undoubtedly a great one, although pics will come later, since i'm in the lab and am very much turned off by the turn of things that have taken place thus far. tsk.

bad. black. thursday. okay, perhaps the blackness had since infested my week, when the sputtering machine went cranky on me. it's probably just not machines week i suppose. first, my dear lab technician did not turn on the Argon gas when the experiment had to be done, and so, there was no bombardment of particles and hence, there's no film being sputtered (exucuse the technical jargons).Therefore, the experiment failed. fine. this happened on Tuesday. ok, can still do on Wednesday. smile. So yesterday, I loaded my samples again (with nary a proper cleaning of the samples due to the ultrasonic bath that ALSO went cranky and broke down) and left them overnite (had to). and TODAY, lo and behold! what greeted me this morning was a note that said:

-Eric (080307)


deep deep sigh.

and so i left lab earlier to go for my tutorial. the only tutorial i've been religiously attending because attendance is compulsory and this tutor only takes attendance on random weeks (how sucky)... guess what!? I realised that the one time i did not attend that tutorial (because i had lab) was the time my tutor took attendance! *where the hell is that FU-plated bike!*

so yes, ok, nevermind. one attendance only, cannot kiil me. then, i received a text from Zub that the FESEM that we're supposed to do for our analysis this afternoon has also broken down! like hey!!!!!! these machines must have "pakat" to break down at the same time, no!? FISH!

SO, the only consolation I have for today is the fact that I'll get $30 credited into my account for my productivity when I helped some comm studies students with their FYP. Thanks ah Sha...

On a different note altogether, I think the old generation should be staying at home and shake leg instead of doing tough work like cleaning the drains outside my school, what more trudging thru the task with a hunchback and huge pail in tow. I cannot stand to look at such a sight. then again, who else would be doing that?

and another random thought that spurred from yesternight's conversation:
How come they are so kampung? What made them so kampung? Is it the upbringing? Then, how come WE are so modern, or becoming modern? Why?

with all this shit that happened,
say something nice, why don't you?

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